by Luke Fuller | Jun 30,2017Wenty Leagues is proud to be partnered with Learning Links and Pendle Hill Public School as part of the ‘Reading for Life Program.’
A team of five, including CEO, Glenn Kovacs, Facilities Manager, Marketing Manager and two Marketing team members will be working with the local school over a period of 15 weeks to help children improve their reading, self-esteem and confidence through a variety of fun activities and games to encourage engagement and interest.
‘Reading For Life’ is an evidence-based program designed to target children in years 2-4 who are struggling or falling behind in their literacy development. It has already been enormously successful.
“The program outcomes for these kids can be life changing. Without the reading and literacy skills these children are at high risk of disengaging from education altogether. It’s incredibly important that we can help these kids before they enter high school.” said a spokesperson from Leaning Links.
The Wenty Leagues volunteers work one on one with a child each week using a range of educational based games. The volunteers don’t need to be maths or literacy experts, but, they do need to bring a fun and engaging approach to the activities.
Wenty Leagues has also proudly supported Learning Links through Cash Housie for the past eight years. Cash Housie is held weekly at Wenty Leagues in the Starlight Room with proceeds going to Learning Links.